Normal person in weird environment~~

" Biar pelik di mata manusia, tapi cantik di mata Ilahi "

Sunday, October 27, 2013


while waiting for isya', I shall share something.

It's been a while since my last post, yeah. A lazy girl in her room alone sure do make me feel like blogging again. Room mate got her own room already, so I'm alone.

Open up instagram, facebook, twitter, and all sort of lagha things somehow useful. why? when I look at my friend's life, picture, story, makes me wanna be like them. in a better way of course. I feel like, if they can be like that, why can't I?

Nuri, seriously I am so surprise with her change. and she IS istiqomah with it. but me, I'am not. My late father must be sad with what had happen to me. wanna regret without doing anything, is only for dummy. don't aten. change yourself. even though it takes time, but please, make a move.

It's already isya'. I should stop.